For as smart as we humans think we are, there sure are a lot of
things that we cannot explain. Throughout history, a large number of
events, claims, and scientific findings have fallen beyond the current
level of human understanding. Some of these unsolved mysteries are
completely mind-blowing, and 20 of them are contained in this gallery!
Can you figure them out?
First on this list of unsolved mysteries is the origin of Earth's
moon. Traditional science argues that the moon was created from a
collision of Earth and another smaller planet. However, there are a
number of strange phenomena regarding our mysterious moon. Here are a
few of these strange facts: the moon is the wrong size for its current
orbit, the moon rings like a bell when hit by an object which could
signal that it's hollow, metal shavings were found in samples taken by
the Apollo crew, and UFO sightings were common on NASA moon missions.
All these phenomena and more point toward the suggestion that the
moon is actually an artificially created spaceship. It's a bit far
fetched, but throughout history, Astronomers have been discouraged from
testing this theory.
Giant Stone Balls
Costa Rican workers found something a large number of stone
spheres when clearing a jungle in the 1930s. These remarkable objects
are almost perfectly spherical and range in size from those that fit in
your hand to one that's an amazing 8-feet in diameter. Nobody knows who
made these impressive round rocks, why they did it, and perhaps most
importantly, how they were constructed so perfectly.
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