Monday, 13 February 2012

Things that Cause Cancer commonly..

Be Aware

Experts believe that one-third of all cancers can be prevented with lifestyle changes, according to WebMD. By eating well, not smoking, staying active, protecting your skin, being smart about sex, getting regular checkups, and avoiding toxins at home and at work, you can help protect yourself.
Be aware of what you put in your body, and your surroundings, and read on for nine common things that cause cancer.
Emily Keck, ChaCha Diet & Nutrition

Bisphenol A (BPA)

What is it? Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, is an organic compound found in plastics. It is considered a toxic substance in Canada, but in the United States, it can still be found in water bottles, baby bottles, medical and dental devices, toys and household electronics.
What will it do? BPA is an endocrine disruptor that can mimic the body's own hormones, leading to negative health effects.
What's the solution? To avoid the toxic substance, look for plastic products with 'BPA Free' written on the label, and try to stay away from canned foods, as BPA is found in them too.


With the popularity of vegan diets on the rise, dairy products are frowned upon more often. It's easy to turn to soy milk and other soy products as an alternative, but it's best to do so in moderation.
What is it? Soy contains phytoestrogens, a group of chemicals that mimic the hormone estrogen. Women need estrogen to regulate their menstrual cycles and have babies.
What will it do? Some experts are concerned that an excess of soy will stimulate the growth of estrogen-sensitive cancers since high exposures of estrogen over a woman's lifetime are linked with an increased risk for breast cancer.
What's the solution? Don't give up soy altogether, but keep some variety in your diet. Coconut, almond, hazelnut and hemp milk are all great alternatives, and can be found in your local grocery store.

Artificial Sweeteners

What is it? The harmful effects of artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, sucralose and saccharin, are a great controversy in our society. Many argue that they are human carcinogens, causing bladder, colon, breast and prostate cancer, while others argue that there is no concrete evidence to prove this.
What will they do? While we are still uncertain if they are a cause of cancer, artificial sweeteners have been proven to cause headaches, depression and increased hunger.
What's the solution? To stay away from these complications, it's best to stick with natural sweeteners, like sugar, honey and agave. You're not going to gain weight if you eat sweets in moderation, and you may even feel better once you make the switch.

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